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I had s*x with my boyfriend during Ramadan and I want to repent

Written By Admin on Sunday, 21 June 2015 | 11:59 am

I do not usually blog about this kind of topic but I was surprised when I found this in my inbox this morning demanding that I post for people to advise her on what to do.

Read the content of her message below.....

I had sexual intercourse with my boyfriend in Ramadan, while I had my period.
I understand that what I have done, which is that I had premarital sex, is haraam, and that because it was also while I had my period when I am unclean, it is double haraam, and also in the holy month of Ramadan when I am supposed to stay clear of these types of things.

My question is, what do I do now?

Regardless of being in a haraam relationship, please take this out of the equation.

I want to repent. I know that I have to ask Allah(swt) for forgiveness and that I should not indulge in what I did anymore. I heard I also I have to feed 60 people who are poor or fast for 2 months – is this correct?

What do I do in order to repent (a) for having sex in the day of ramadan and (b) for having sex during my period?

About Admin

Abdoolwahab is a Bus. Admin & Mgt graduate, a blogger, He uses this platform to share his views on certain life issues. This blog currently boasts of over 50,000 monthly unique visitors. For tips/Advert placement, Call: 09098667054or Email:


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