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Now that America has Legalized Gay Marriage, What Next??

Written By Admin on Saturday, 27 June 2015 | 3:03 pm

Yesterday Friday 26th, news of the supreme court striking down ban on same-sex marriage across all states in the United State shook the social media and in fact, it is still shaking both offline and online world. Many Americans and some from other parts of the world celebrated the lifting of the ban.

American celebrities like Puff Daddy, Amber Rose and others took to social media in expression of their joy to have this day come to pass. Even the Puff Daddy's own got me concluding on 50 Cent's allegation of him being gay.. Isorait. After all, by their actions we shall sabi dem.

My question now is, now that America has with two hands wide open accepted same-sex marriage, hope they won't be forcing it down smaller countries throat to accept same?

About Admin

Abdoolwahab is a Bus. Admin & Mgt graduate, a blogger, He uses this platform to share his views on certain life issues. This blog currently boasts of over 50,000 monthly unique visitors. For tips/Advert placement, Call: 09098667054or Email:


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