Usually Bus Conductors are Driver Trainees yet to be certificated and as such in this case Hon. Faleke is not in any way qualified to take over the driver's seat for obvious reasons. We have about 21 Certificated Drivers in the spare driver's list out of which AYB leads in the list. Common sense has it that the most senior Drivers in the waiting list should take over. Faleke did not participate in the primary electin in which AYB was returned Second. Faleke is not in any way Certificated at all by any standard how can he then be asking for the driver's seat?
Faleke is therefore strongly advised to go back to his constituency in Lagos State to continue his representative assembly mandate otherwise he may loose both if care is not taken. How can somebody with dual citizenship will be making unnessary noise here and there? How can he be claiming for the mandate that does not belong to him? Was he even qualified to vote for himself in that election? He should better not appear to be sworn in as a Deputy Governor, other wise, he may be complicating his matter the more.
The Kogi election has come and gone. The winner has emerged. I therefore use this medium to call on all meaningful Kogites to put all hands on deck to begin to think of how to forge ahead, to build a new Kogi State by redefining our vision and Mission statement and harness our abundant human and natural resources to create employment for our youths and better the life of our people.
By Abdulwahab Yusuf-Ochu
Lecturer, Fed. Polytechnic, Nasarawa.
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